Family with four kids standing in stream


This was a first for me; a session in a creek! I love outdoor family sessions. This family comes here to cool off on hot summer days and it made for a perfect setting for our session. The kids didn’t hesitate to jump in the water and have a blast.

For a session like this, I hang back and let the family have their own fun while I capture the candid moments. When I see the right moment, I’ll get their attention for a quick posed shot, and then let them get back to the fun. By the end of the session my hope is that families can say “wow, that was easy”. Here are some highlights from our afternoon together.

Baby in creek with family 3 kids posing together in creek Young kids playing in water Father posing with his son and daughter Toddler smiling at mom Brother holding baby sister's hand on walking path Black and white photo of dad with his baby daughter Black and white photo of family posing together Black and white photo of family playing together on grass

If you have any questions about outdoor family photography, comment below and I will answer!

You can also reach out on my contact page and I’ll get back to you quickly.


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